Thursday, June 05, 2014


Since I am at home now between jobs, I have made it a priority to workout so that at the very least at the end of the day I have 1 very big accomplishment on my list. That, and the way I figure it, I have zero excuse not to. I go through ups and downs with working out almost constantly. 

I was a collegiate swimmer and sometimes get down on myself that I'm not working nearly as hard as I used to. (Although it feels like I'm working twice at hard. Getting older stinks.) I absolutely cannot make myself get back in the pool, despite my best efforts. And when I run/bike/etc. I remember exactly why I chose to swam - I hate sweating. I'll get into a great routine, and if I skip just one day, it's all down the drain. I'll go twice as long without working out and have to hype myself up to get back into it again the next time.

I had been running a lot again - on the treadmill and on the Greenway with Loola - but a big 'ole blister on my right heel has made tennis shoes incredibly uncomfortable this week. So, today I'll head to Hot Yoga - $8 to drop in on a class and the studio is less than 2 miles away? Sounds like a great alternative to me. (Except for the sweating part, which we've already covered.)

Here are my tips for working out and challenging yourself:
1. Be Consistent - Pick a time of day and make that your "work out" time. I try to go mid-morning - before the day gets away from me, but long enough to wake up and get a few chores done. Maybe you go right after work, maybe you go first thing, early in the morning. Whenever you choose, pick a time and schedule it in and stick to it.
2. Up the ante a little every day - Your body will learn your routine and become as efficient at it as possible - it's how we're designed. So each day, push yourself a little further, work a little harder, go a little faster. Don't push yourself too hard, just enough to feel the difference.
3. Stretch! - This is the easiest to do by far. If you stretch, you'll help your muscles heal faster, work the lactic acid out of your body, and strengthen. Bonus - you can do this while you're watching tv! It's important not to skip this step and you'll feel much better if you incorporate it into your schedule.

And to top it off, here is my workout wishlist:
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7

Have a great Thursday and don't forget to Instagram your #oddsareiam photo today!

1 comment:

  1. Amen, Sister. The one perk of leaving my job and not having another lined up is the infinite amount of gym time. Happy Friday!
