Friday, June 06, 2014

5 on Friday

Happy Friday, everyone! I hope you all have the opportunity to relax and unwind this weekend and really savor your time off. Here's what is on my radar for this weekend:

1. TFIOS - Yes I'm seeing this today. Yes I'm going alone. Yes I'm hoping that by going to a mid-day showing that no one will see me and judge me for the ugly crying that will ensue. I'm a crier - I cry just about every day - but y'all, I can't get through a trailer or an interview with any of the cast without choking up. It's not going to be pretty.
2. Smart Ass - tomorrow night we're having game night with our usual group and we're so excited to try out this game. I've heard nothing but great reviews and I can't wait to play.
3. Hot Caprese Dip - Game Night is a potluck, so I was thinking of trying out this delicious looking dip. Have you made a caprese dip before? Please share your recipe if you have!
4. New Clothes! Ally over at Life as I Know It blogged about this dress earlier this week and I bought it right away - and it shipped this morning. I am so excited - it is the summer of the maxi, y'all!
5. #oddsareiam - don't forget to instagram tomorrow - and to search the hashtag for all the great things our participants have been up to so far this month.

Have a great weekend, y'all! See you Monday!

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