Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Fun-Employment: Day 1

Yesterday was my last day at Sweet Briar - and it was as bittersweet as they come. Walking out of the office and to my car, I was stricken with genuine fear - not something I feel very often. (Sure, I feel anxiety, worry, and uneasiness, but hardly ever genuine fear.) And it hit me - between falling in love with Sweet Briar as a high school student, being enrolled as an undergraduate student, and working in Admission, this place has been apart of my life for 10 years. That's 40% of my life!

So, as sad as I was to move on, I am excited to see what's next. So, what am I doing on my first day of unemployment? Applying for (more) jobs! Getting in touch with a fellow Army wife who works at a staffing agency, and working on my LinkedIn profile. And stalk Levo League's website and pinboards for up-to-date job hunting information.

Do you have any advice for me? Have you ever had a career change? 


  1. Career changes are tough but they always happen for a reason. :)
