Friday, May 16, 2014

5 on Friday

TGIF, everyone! I hope you have big plans for the weekend. Here are my 5 for Friday - enjoy!

1. Taco Meatloaf - Pinterest wins again! I found this taco meatloaf recipe and was a little hesitant at first, but it was delicious. (My adjustments? I used a whole can of corn and added a tablespoon of Sriracha.) 
2. Lauren's Engagement Photos - Y'all. I'm obsessed. Go to Wayfares & Worksheets and look at the others she has shared. I've been a fan of her blog for a while now and she's a beautiful person inside and out and these photos are to die for. 
3. Tori's Stella & Dot Fundraising Show - So far we've raised $159 for Tori's trip to Mumbai this summer and there's still so much time to order. Please help me sell $1,965 more Stella and Dot and raise the maximum amount of money for her mission trip. You can shop online here - orders process immediately and ship directly to you! (Poufs and charm necklaces make excellent gifts!)
4. What a mail day! If you follow me on Instagram, you'll know that I had an excellent mail day yesterday and I am all set for relaxing by the pool this weekend. (Come back, warmer temps! These 60's aren't doing it for me.)
5. Weekend Plans - So far this weekend, we have the farmers market and dog park on our schedule. Probably a movie date tomorrow night, church on Sunday - and at some point getting my rear passenger break light fixed. (Bummer, right?) 

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. That meatloaf looks amazing!

    1. You know, it was pretty good. A little greasy (there's no way to really drain the meat I guess?) but a good taste.

  2. oh my goodness you are too sweet!!

    ...and can I confess, never made a meatloaf EVER, I may have to now...

    1. I personally think meatloaf gets a bad rap. You could always try the Pioneer Woman or Trisha Yearwood's recipes - they're also both delicious.

  3. When does the trunk show end?

    1. It will close June 7 - thank you so much for considering a purchase. It means so much!
