Tuesday, April 01, 2014


So, a few of the other blogs I read have been doing confession posts, so I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon. I just love learning a little more about the bloggers I feel like I virtually know. So, here goes nothing!
  • I am very afraid of heights. To the point that even glass elevators make me nervous - even going up a few floors. I'm not sure where this fear came from, but it's very real.
  • I love jigsaw puzzles - and get obsessive about them. They are my de-stressor and I will sit down and lose hours hunched over the kitchen table. L and I always joked about having a jig-saw puzzle room in our future home just for my special hobby.
  • I love eating outside. When it's warm outside, I will eat exclusively in places with outdoor dining. Basically when it's warm out, I want to soak up as much warm air and sunshine as possible. (Which, btw, our current hometown has AWFUL options. Nashville, here we come!)
  • I hardly ever paint my toe-nails because I am the worst at removing the polish when it chips, so I just don't even bother.
  • I have a very bad case of "foot-in-mouth" syndrome. My mouth works infinitely faster than my brain and I am constantly speaking before I think.
  • I also have no poker face - I wear my emotions on my sleeve and no one ever doubts how I'm feeling. Ever.
  • I'm awful about getting my eyebrows waxed and often wait 3-4 months between waxings... I joke and tell my Mom (who waxes them for me at her salon) that she'll need to get out her weed-wacker to tame them.
  •  I am an extrovert to an absolute t. I love it about myself and often find that I have a very hard time empathizing with introverts, but wish I could understand them better.

I hope you all still think I'm an OK person ;) What confessions would you like to make?


1 comment:

  1. I do not like heights either! I try to avoid anything that involves an elevator lol.
