Monday, February 03, 2014

Weekend Wrap-Up

Well, another weekend has come and gone, but at least now we're officially in February! I've seen lots of hate for January on blogs today, and I have to say I agree. It just feels like a month of Mondays! But, we're already into February so onward and upward!

This weekend, I worked on my first Stella and Dot trunk show! I'm hosting my own party to invite friends over and encourage them to bring co-workers and other Army Wives, who will hopefully want to hose their own parties! If you wanna treat yourself to something nice, click the link and shop my trunk show! (Anything ordered by February 8 will arrive by Valentines!)

With the help of my handsome and wonderfully patient husband, we also got our headboard done!

It took two tries, but I love the way it turned out. I ended up using a razor blade to scrape off the paint marker seating charts, and we screwed a few d-rings into the back, about 4 inches from the top. We hung them up with hooks, each built to support 50 lbs. In all, the project cost us less than $8 and all I want to do is lay around in my comfy room now!

Our Super Bowl party was a huge success, which is more than I can say for my Pinterest snacks. The pinwheels were OK - not as pretty but everyone enjoyed them. I didn't even try the puffs, we took the cop out and went to Publix for chips and dip on the way. But, I made so many new friends and loved putting faces with names of all the people L works with.

I hope everyone else is having a great Monday!


  1. The headboard looks amazing! :) Great job!

    1. Thanks! I'm in love and definitely considering it a Pinterest win!
