Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Resolution Update #5

Ah! It's finally February! One month down, eleven to go. But, I'm really happy with the progress I'm making with my resolutions! Let's check it out...

A bad habit I'm going to break: Drinking soda. -- I did OK! I did slurge on a Cherry Coke at Target this weekend, but I've been focusing on water. Ashley at Turquoise and Teale recommended I pick up a case of La Croix for when I'm craving something flavored and fizzy, and I'm now obsessed! Pop one open, add a paper straw, and my lunch is transformed!
A new skill I'd like to learn: Calligraphy! -- Practice makes perfect, right? I'm keeping at it... slowly but surely...
A good deed I'm going to do: I'd love to find a Girl Scout troop to get involved in -- I'm currently waiting on my paperwork to fill out and get approved to help! I'm really excited about this!
A place I'd like to visit: Just out of the country. -- Still waiting to hear if a vacation is in the works. Every time I try and do research, I decide to go somewhere else. We definitely want it to be affordable, but nice. I look at cruises, all inclusive resorts, Air BnB... and I get overwhelmed. I just want to know if it's a possibility!
A book I'd like to read: The Bible. L and I are following this plan and right now we're right on track. We're reading about Moses now and I really enjoyed learning so much about Passover. I remember hearing these stories growing up in Sunday School and what not, but I really do enjoy reading through it all again with L.
A letter I'm going to write: I'd like to participate monthly (or maybe twice a month!) in More Love Letters. -- They have finally put up new bundle requests! I'm going to sit down this afternoon and write a letter to mail - no more waiting til the end of the month like last time.
A new food I'd like to try: Indian food -- I feel like since I knocked this one out so early, that I may pick a new one each month! So, what are your suggestions? I'm drawing a blank, so I'm open to new ideas!
I'm going to do better at: working out and eating better. I was really happy at weigh in last week but this week was awful - thanks a lot, Super Bowl. I did work out yesterday, and plan to today, but I know it won't be enough. I let us slip up on meal planning this week and, in an effort to save money, just didn't buy enough food really. So, I'm wiping the slate clean and giving it another try!

I'm also loving all the posts about February goals - so much so that I was inspired to make a few myself. (I copied the format that Taylor at Taylored and Turquoise used, for the record.)

1. Love my husband - Find new ways to show my love for L. I love doing little things for him, like packing his lunch, making dinner, doting over him when I can, but I want to find new ways to make him feel special.
2. Be intentional with others - I think this is going to play well into my Stella and Dot endeavor. I've been wanting to branch out and meet new people, and this is a great chance for me to do that. I want to take time this month to talk to more people - at my Weight Watchers meeting, at church, at Army functions - and make those connections.
3. Go on adventures - My parents come to down this month for a visit, so I think I'd like to plan a jam packed, fun visit for them, and really show them what a hostess they raised.
4. Time with God - I know L and I read the Bible almost nightly, but I really want to take time to myself to reflect on what it is we're reading and digest what the is being said.
5. Organize - with my parents coming, this will be high on my list of things to do, and I hope to tackle our laundry room before they get here! (Wish me luck...)

I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!


  1. So glad you tried and liked La Croix! It's my obsession too... berry, peach-pear, coconut in the summer. So many good flavors!

    1. I tried the grapefruit first - I'll have to try the berry and peach-pear next!

  2. You should look into bookit.com. I booked a trip to mexico on tuesday and flew out three days later. It was a wonderful deal and a luxurious all inclusive. Roundtrip flights and six day stay for two people was incredibly affordable. Also subscribe to travelzoo's weekly deals email. And have you thought about an Alaskan cruise?

    1. Thanks for the tips! We'll have to check it out! And Alaska was on our radar, but we'd really love to camp out on a beach for a week - warm our bones, ya know?

  3. It is amazing how much better you can feel without soda. :) I'm going on 8 months without soda. :)

  4. I was just thinking earlier today that I'd like to find something outside of school to get involved in! Growing up and in college I was a part of so many different clubs and organizations...Girl Scouts sounds like a great idea! Being that I work with kids all day, I've been trying to brain storm non-kid organizations I could give my time to, ha!

    1. I understand! You could always go the other direction - volunteer at retirement homes or a hospice. I know my Grandmother always loved seeing friendly faces when she was living in her retirement community.

  5. i went to high school with the girl who started More Love Letters!! DO IT

    1. What a great idea! Who doesn't love a random act of kindness?

  6. Indian food is probably my favorite overall type of food in the world. What did you think of it? And breaking the soda habit is a good thing to work on! That was one of my husband's big goals last year and I'm proud of him--he drinks much less soda now than he ever did.

    1. I am newly obsessed with Indian food - maybe I'll just try a different dish every month rather than new delicacies.
