Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fashion Rules!

Ok, my co-workers are tired of me beating this dead horse, but I was raised to follow traditional, Southern fashion rules and I cannot stand it when people do not! I know they're old-fashioned, but my Momma (or grandmother for that matter) raised me to NEVER break these rules and now I'm stuck with them forever.

First of all, seersucker.
No. No seersucker before Easter. I'm sorry - I love seersucker as much as the next Southern girl, but Spring or not, you don't wear it before Easter.

As a matter of fact, Easter is the green light to begin incorporating lots of Spring/Summer staples into your wardrobe! Including, but not limited to:
  • Hats (think big floppy hats for Easter and horse races)
  • White shoes
  • Open Toed Shoes
And you may also stop wearing hose after Easter. Yes, I wear panty hose every week to work and church from October 1 until Easter. No one wants to see my lilly white legs during those months, anyways. All Easter approved fashion additions must all be put away by Labor Day. And all of this talk about Easter reminds me - you are never to wear pants to church (if you're a young lady) and sleeveless tops are never acceptable - much less anything strapless. (Except wedding attire of course.)

Now, this next one is probably one of my biggest pet peeves. I travel Florida frequently for work, and I'm worried that Floridians just never got the memo on - WHITE BOTTOMS. White pants, shorts, or skirts should not be worn before Memorial Day and must - MUST - be put away after Labor Day. This one drives me up the wall - I just don't understand. I know white pants have been trendy recently, but it's no excuse.

Linen is another fabric that is only acceptable between Memorial and Labor Days. Plus, it's such a light fabric you don't really want to be sporting it in the dead of Winter anyways.

All of that being said, I am a firm believer that Lilly is a year round fashion staple - there's nothing wrong with channeling warmer weather during those long Winter months :)

Does your family have any fashion rules you follow? Have you heard of these rules before?

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