Tuesday, January 29, 2013

New Week Resolutions

So, last week I had a minor major breakdown. Between Logan being in the field and work being close to a huge deadline, I was due for one. But, I resolved to make this week a better one.

So, here are things I'm trying:

  1. No screen time 1 hour before bed. No cell phone, TV, or computer. Not for 1 hour before sleep. 
  2. Journaling every night.
  3. Waking up 15 minutes earlier than usual to give myself more time to get ready.
  4. Before bed, making a list of the 10 things that MUST get done the next day.
  5. Drinking a big glass of water first thing after I wake up to kick start my body.
Here is my feedback so far:
  1. So far, I love the no screen time rule. I pack my bag for work the next day, journal, read a little, lay out my outfit for the next day -- and feel so rested by the time bedtime rolls around. Biggest challenge? I don't have a clock in my room, so I have to keep a watch on my nightstand so I know when it's time to turn the lights off.
  2. I think journaling is helping me with my stress. It's giving me the chance to get out my thoughts and get lots of little things off my brain. Wedding stuff, missing Logan, work - it all feels better when it's out of my head.
  3. So far, so good! Of course, I'm wanting to hit snooze, but it's nice not to feel so rushed in the morning. I have a little more breathing time. This will get easier as the mornings will come earlier, I'm sure of it.
  4. This is helping me to stay focused the NEXT day! Plus, it's nice to look back at my day and see 10 things I definitely got done. (Luckily, I usually get lots more done, too...)
  5. I love this. First of all, this helps me get the water I need in a day, and I think this helps me wake up a little bit.
Y'all have anything you're working on for this week?


  1. Journaling is the best. I love it. :) Thanks for your comment! I think I have tried everything possible for my eczema and finally the cream the doctor prescribed is working. Yay! :) Hope you are having a wonderful evening.

  2. I'm trying the "no screen time before bed" resolution too! I'm finding I sleep better if I trade my technology for a book before bed.

