Friday, November 09, 2012

282 Days 'til the Wedding!

My fiance and I met in the beginning of the year. He lived with several over guys who would host people weekly for "Steak Saturdays" - folks could bring their own food and drink and grill out at their house for the evening. It was always a good time! My sister had a friend who had gone to college with several of the roommates, and invited us over one evening to hang out. My sister had been over several times that fall while I was traveling for work and I was anxious to meet the famous "Weezy" guys.

We had gotten dinner with some other friends earlier that night, ran into a guy I had been dating briefly,  the waiter had spilled beers all over me... the night wasn't going so well. But, when we got to the "Weezy" the night turned around. The guys had made a fire in the backyard and we had a great time getting to know each other.

Logan and I hung out in the group a few times when I extended a blanket invitation to  a Super Bowl party Bonnie and I were hosting. I knew a few of the roommates already had plans to go to another party, but Logan was able to make it. We had a great time hanging out that night and we decided to go on our first official date later that week before I had to leave for a swim meet. We went to the White Hart Cafe for tea and stayed until closing. I even missed the Duke/Carolina game that night to go out with him :) After that, we were inseparable. 

Our first photo together - after the short hike to the top of Liberty Mtn. overlooking Lynchburg.

My favorite photo of us - on Easter 2012

Logan proposed on Sept. 26 on the top of a mountain. It was just the two of us, and I felt like I was on top of the world. We had been discussing taking the next step for a little while - although it sounded like we moved pretty quickly - but we are both so excited to start our life together, officially!

Wedding planning is coming along smoothly so far - I had so much planned out in my head it was pretty easy :) I'll update more on that later! 

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