Monday, January 20, 2014

Weekend Wrap-Up

My goodness! What a whirlwind but wonderful weekend. I had to go to Louisville for work, and since L had a four-day weekend (thanks, Army!) he came along with me. Which is great for me because it snowed and my poor southern upbringing didn't teach me how to drive in snow. Lucky for me, my South Bend native husband could do it since he was 13. 

I had a few appointments on Friday morning/afternoon, but when they were done, I was a free agent! We took a nap, got Indian food for dinner (oh my gosh, it's my new favorite! How did I go so long without eating it all the time?!), and watched a movie back at our hotel room.

Saturday, we slept in, got dinner at Juanita's Burger Boy Diner. The ambiance was great, the food was even better, and we had a great time. Then, we toured the Conrad-Caldwell House. Here are a few of my (very amatur) photos below:
 Beautiful monogrammed napkins - each place setting had their own salt dish, so they didn't have to bother with passing a salt shaker.
 Hand-carved mantle - inspired by the wife's trip to England and painted to resemble marble.
 There were fleur de lis everywhere - 127 on the first floor alone! - including this stained glass one near the servants entrance.
 One of the stained glass windows in the main stairwell - it was breathtaking.
L and I after the tour was over.

I had an event on Saturday night, and after we just grabbed dinner and went back to the hotel. Unfortunately, noisy neighbors kept us from properly sleeping in on Sunday, but we hit the road, picked up my sweet baby Loola from the boarders, and meal planned/grocery shopped for the week. L got a quick work out in, then binged on football all evening. (Who else is so excited for the Superbowl?!)

I also got my first PopSugar Must Have Box on Friday! You can flip through what was in the December box, but I got a sample of Pipcorn (yum!), some Marchesa nail files, a beautiful City-a-Month desk calendar, "The Juicing Generation", some tech gloves (that are so comfy and actually work!), and some face wash. I loved it and can't wait for my February one! (I promise to take a photo next time..)

Hope everyone else has a great Monday!


  1. Can't believe very place setting had its own salt! Also, love all the fleurs de lises!

    1. The salt idea seemed awful convenient to me! And the woodwork was amazing - so intricate!
